

I’m starting over. Everyone likes starting over, right? 
Let me start off by re-introducing myself. My name is Jason. I am a Korean, who grew up in Czech Republic, and spent the last 9 years studying in America. I studied architecture at Virginia Tech School of Architecture + Design and recently moved back to Prague to continue my studies at the Architectural Institute in Prague (ARCHIP).
The most frequently asked question lately: Why leave such a good program for a virtually unknown school?
Because I can. Ha. 
But really, the biggest reason was: I felt trapped in America. I was being told how to chase happiness instead of finding it in the present. For me, institutions can only go so far in educating me. I’m a type that not only needs to hear stuff but to actually see and feel the stuff.
It’s a big risk, but hey, this is what makes life exciting. Like a frog taking its step back before making its big jump forward, I wanted to step back from the chasing.
So here I am. Back in Prague, the city I call my home. And this is my preparation to make the big leap forward.